Generate Passive Income with a Billboard on Your Land

If you own land with busy street frontage, you could be sitting on an opportunity for significant revenue generation with static or digital billboards. After the initial investment - usually paid back within two years - a billboard has the capacity to generate ongoing income for decades to come. We're here to manage all aspects from brokerage to installation so you can sit back and get the most from your billboard investment.

How Much Income Can You Generate with a Billboard on your land?

Static roadside billboards in regional areas can comfortably generate $24,000 per year as of early 2024. Digital billboards in high-traffic areas have the potential to generate even higher amounts – up to $250,000 per year in prime locations.

  • Digital Billboards

    With digital billboards in high-traffic metro areas, you can expect a larger monthly income thanks to their ability to display multiple promotions per day. A media brokerage agency can manage the booking of time slots for your billboard. Advertising space on digital billboards is in high demand, with achievable advertising costs associated with varying frequency and run rime.

  • Static Billboards

    Static billboards are a great option for rural properties facing main roads. Regional, high traffic road frontage sites are very attractive sites for businesses set to gain from local area traffic. Static billboards in rural areas are ideal for directional advertisements for local businesses and franchises through to online services and multi-national companies.

Choose an ownership model that works for you

Zero Upfront Cost + Moderate Returns

Very little effort required and zero financial commitment. This option will get you up and running with moderate passive income potential.

  • Hassle Free

    We can arrange the billboard to be installed and managed at no cost to you. An investor will cover the cost in return for a portion of the revenue.

  • Monthly Passive Income

    You receive a monthly rental payment of an agreed amount for lease of the area.

  • Limited Management Control

    The billboard is managed by a broker of the investor's choosing.

Upfront Cost + High Returns

This option requires some effort and financial commitment, however the potential income is much higher.

  • Upfront cost and action required

    You pay for the billboard and it's installation including all permits, engineering and other regulatory requirements.

  • Monthly Passive Income

    You can outsource the media brokerage, and receive a monthly advertising for use of your billboard.

  • Full Management Control

    Highest return option. The billboard is managed by a broker of your choosing.

Lease Your Land with Zero Upfront Cost

With no capital investment simply lease some of your high visibility land for third party ownership.

  • Permit Acquisition

    We can help facilitate the purchasing of leasing rights, and handle all aspects of the billboard installation.You may be sitting on a prime billboard location without knowing its potential, contact us for an estimate.

  • No Upfront Cost

    Leasing your land means the billboard will be owned by an advertising company. This makes leasing an ideal option for those wanting to gauge the earning potential of their property.

What to Consider Before Installing a static or digital Billboard

There are many factors to consider before determining if your land is an ideal location for billboard advertising. Contact Eveada Projects today for more information.

  • Traffic Count

    The amount of traffic that will pass by your roadside billboard influences the size of your investment, and whether your property is eligible for an installation. Each state and territory has annual average daily traffic data available. Check your state and region in the links below.

  • Ongoing visibility

    Could the site you're considering have the potential to be obscured by trees, or development in the future? Is traffic likely to continue past that point for at least a decade to come? Let's review your proposed site's long-term visibility.

  • Flood risk

    Flooding can damage the electrical components of digital billboards. If your area is prone to flooding, we recommend a weatherproof static billboard. If the location you're considering floods with high flowing floodwater, consider a higher position.

  • Power Source

    Digital billboards require a viable power source, making them ideal for properties in high-density areas. They use specialised power leads and surge protection to connect to the energy grid.

  • Council Regulations and Zoning

    Each local council has regulations and zoning laws that impact the type and size of billboard you can have installed on your property. It's important to ensure zoning for your property permits Billboard installation.

  • Upfront Cost

    The type of billboard you can have installed and it's material quality depends on your budget. Thanks to our extensive industry connections at Eveada, we're able to deliver billboard solutions at a variety of price points. Call Eveada Projects today for more information.

Billboard installation management across Australia

Check Your Council Permits


Check Your Traffic Count (AADT)


Lease Your Land for Billboard Advertising Space

If you’re not interested in owning a billboard, you can opt to lease your land to advertisers. With no capital investment simply lease some of your high visibility land for third party ownership.

  • Classic Poster Billboards

    Measuring 6 x 3 meters, poster billboards are the most common variety. They are strategically placed along sub-arterial roads, commanding attention with their timeless design.

  • Supersite Billboards

    Towering at 12.66 x 3.35 meters, Supersite Billboards are commonly found along arterial roads, delivering your message to highway travellers.

  • Digital Billboards

    With variable dimensions, digital billboards typically illuminate sub-arterial and local roads, captivating audiences with dynamic displays.

  • Super 8 Billboards

    Sized at 8.3 x 2.22 meters, Super 8 billboards are great for local roads, ensuring maximum visibility for your advertisement.

Billboard Brokerage

Our brokers are intermediaries between landowners and investors. They provide a service that offers opportunities for both parties to increase their cash flow and investment portfolio.
In addition to brokerage EVEADA Billboard Brokers offers a comprehensive project management, including:

  • Market analysis

  • Negotiation

  • Contract Management

  • Project Management

  • Resource Management

  • Manufacture

  • Installation

  • Compliance & Safety

Land Zoning and Permits for Billboards

Navigating land zoning and permit requirements is crucial when considering the placement of advertising signs. If the sign is to be situated on privately owned land, there may be a loophole where permit approval requirements can be bypassed, whether you own the land personally or operate your business within a leased property that explicitly allows signage installation. However, it’s imperative to confirm whether a permit is needed for signage on private land by consulting with a council planning officer or reviewing local by-laws before proceeding.

Conversely, if the signage is intended for a location not tied to ownership or lease, obtaining consent from the landowner becomes essential. In cases where the land is unallocated or state-owned, securing a permit from the local council is necessary. This involves submitting a location plan illustrating property boundaries, building footprints, existing signage, and proposed advertising devices. Yet, obtaining approval hinges on meeting the council’s eligibility requirements, which can vary between states but typically entail adherence to specific criteria for signage content and design.


Billboard Dimensions and Formats

Your location, local zoning regulations and property space influence the range of billboard options you can choose from. Below you can find a list of common billboard sizes and their ideal use cases:

  • Classic Poster Billboards

    Measuring 6 x 3 meters, poster billboards are the most common variety. They are strategically placed along sub-arterial roads, commanding attention with their timeless design.

  • Supersite Billboards

    Towering at 12.66 x 3.35 meters, Supersite Billboards are commonly found along arterial roads, delivering your message to highway travellers.

  • Digital Billboards

    With variable dimensions, digital billboards typically illuminate sub-arterial and local roads, captivating audiences with dynamic displays.

  • Super 8 Billboards

    Sized at 8.3 x 2.22 meters, Super 8 billboards are great for local roads, ensuring maximum visibility for your advertisement.

Why Choose Eveada Projects?

  • Decades of Experience

    Having worked on a large range of projects over 80 collective years in the signage industry, we have the experience to foresee and overcome potential challenges with your project.

  • Comprehensive Solutions

    Eveada Projects can assist with consultancy, site assessment, material sourcing, profit forecasting, and installation project management.

  • SIngle Point of Contact

    Eveada has a single point of contact for all questions and status updates. You can rest assured that your assigned signage project manager is just a call away.

  • Wide Range of Options

    Choose from a wide variety of options when it comes to billboard materials and quality. We can find the ideal solution based on your location and requirements while saving on upfront cost.

  • Nationwide Network

    We're able to install billboards on properties all across Australia thanks to our nationwide network of fabricators and installers.

When you choose the zero-upfront cost plan, the investor owns the billboard and leases land from the landowner for advertising use.

For partial upfront payment schemes, you own the billboard.

With the zero upfront cost option, all costs are incurred by the investor.

When paying upfront, all costs including materials, labour and permitting fees are incurred by the landowner

Duration is negotiated before any agreement is signed. Expect the term to be 15-20 years for a digital sign.

Digital signs have their own meter – whoever owns the billboard is liable to pay for power usage. 

In a zero upfront cost plan, the investors cover all permitting costs. If you’re looking to own the billboard on your land, you must cover all permitting costs.

With both options, Eveada is here to manage the application process on your behalf.

Any sale needs to factor in the lease term of the billboard. All terms and conditions will need to be transferred to the new owner.

If you just lease your land to an investor, then it becomes positive cashflow from the initial day of operation.

Your initial investment could be paid off between 12-18 months. This is dependent on location and traffic count, as these two factors determine the amount that can be charged to advertisers.

Commissions: percentage of the contract.

Retainer: paid by investors to source and negotiate sites.

Service Fees: Fixed or hourly rate.

All fees are GST exclusive and rates provided in individual proposals.